2004 Publications (published & accepted)

Dimitar Angelov


1.      D. Angelov, B. Beylot, A. Spassky (2004) Origin of the heterogeneous distribution of the yield of guanyl radical in UV laser photolysed DNA, Biophys. J., in press.

2.      D. Angelov, F. Lenouvel, F. Hans, C. V. Müller, P. Bouvet, J. Bednar, E. Mourdianakis, J. Cadet, S. Dimitrov (2004) The histone octamer is « invisible » when NF-kB binds to the nucleosome. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 42374-42382. (http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/full/279/41/42374)

3.      D. Angelov, A. Verdel, W. An, V. Bondarenko, F. Hans, C.-M. Doyen, V. Studitsky, A. Hamiche, R. G. Roeder, P. Bouvet, S. Dimitrov (2004) SWI/SNF remodelling and p300 dependent transcription of histone variant H2A Bbd nucleosomal array, EMBO J. 23, 3815-3824.( http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/emboj/journal/v23/n19/abs/7600400a.html&dynoptions=doi1103556195)

4.      T. Douki, J.-L. Ravanat, D. Angelov, J. R. Wagner, J. Cadet (2004) Effects of duplex stability on charge transfer efficiency within DNA, Top.  Curr. Chem. 236, 1-25.