Hervé MENONI                                                                

71, bis rue Pasteur

38 300 Bourgoin-Jallieu, FRANCE

Tél. : 06 13 63 12 94 / E-mail : rv_menoni@yahoo.fr

25 years, single, French, driving licence




Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

From sept 2004- PhD in Molecular Biology


Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

2003- DEA (Master) Differentiation Genetics and Immunology with honours


University Claude Bernard Lyon, France

2002- « Maîtrise » in cellular biology and physiology          with honours                                                            

main subjects : cellular and molecular genetics

2001- « Licence » in cellular biology and physiology with honours                                                      

main subject : Genetics                                                                        

2000- « DEUG »  Sciences of life with honours                                                               



Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP-BAS):

wFrom September 2004 PhD under the direction of Dr Dimitar Angelov :

“The repair of clustered DNA lesions within chromatin containing histone variants”

-Techniques :

Protein expression and purification, mono and dinucleosomes reconstitution, preparation of DNA probes, EMSA, DNAse I footprinting, exonuclease assay, SWI/SNF and ACF nucleosome mobilization, histone transfer

Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire de la Cellule (UMR 5161), ENS-Lyon :

wFormation enabling animal experimentation (June 2004)

wTraining period in Pr. LAUDET’s Team : Structure and evolution of nuclear hormone receptor superfamily (September 2002-December 2003)

Study of ERRa in the differentiation and specification of slow and fast muscle fibers in mammals  

-Techniques :

Cell culture (myoblastic cell line C2C12, ROS, HeLa), transitory cell transfection, luciferase assay, RNA silencing, RNA extraction, RT-PCR-Quantitative (Light Cycler and Opticon 2),

in vivo transfection (mouse muscle electroporation), immunocytochemistry

wTraining period with Dr DEFOSSEZ in Pr. GILSON’s Team : Genetics and biochemistry of telomere (February 2002-June 2002) :

Search for protein partner of CTCF

-Techniques : Two-Hybrid in Yeast, classical molecular biology (PCR, cloning, western-blot)



French :            Mother tongue                         

English :           Spoken, read, written, working knowledges

Italian :             Basics but good understanding (travelled regularly) / German : Basic knolewdge


Sports in generals (and particularly Athletics, Judo, Weightlifting, Tennis), Cinema, Aquariophily